

Outside the classroom a wide variety of art-based activities are offered as part of the SCA programme.

These activities provide a chance for exploration and experimentation with a range of visual mediums outside of the academic setting and encourage pupils to problem solve and collaborate on large scale projects. Activities include learning to spray paint, photography, printing, paint a mural, silk scarf painting, anime and graphic novels, animation and extreme doodling. Options are provided for both Prep and Senior each term and are open to all pupils even if they do not take Art at GCSE or A-Level. In addition, the Art department is involved with the annual community day with other local schools and, since 2014, has held Live Art inter-House and inter-school competitions.

2020 Winter Showcase

The Autumn term presented some big challenges for our artists. With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to impact our everyday lives our Year 8 and 9 pupils took the opportunity to explore these themes to create some fantastic artwork. From portraiture to mask making there were some fantastic skills on show as well as some truly creative and inspiring ideas being explored. 

Our exam groups made a fantastic start on their coursework, showcasing excellent technical skills and a creative approach in response to a wide range of themes, ideas and contextual sources and the newest members of the Prep school, Year 6 developed their fundamental art skills through an investigation into the mythical Woolly Woo!


Our Summer exhibition brings together over 60 works and is testament to the diversity of projects, outcomes and personal portfolios being produced by our talented pupils. Spanning 7 years groups within our Senior school, the show highlights both incredible skill and the imaginative approach that our pupils bring to their artistic endeavours.